Patient Information
Manchester Urology Associates accepts referrals from physicians as well as self-referrals. We will attempt to schedule urgent appointments with 48 hours of initial contact. To make an appointment, please call us at 603.669.9200, and ask for the scheduling coordinator. Manchester Urology Associates has 7 urologists, 1 nurse practitioner, and 3 physician assistants. Schedules vary so that not all physicians are available in the office on each day. Appointments are scheduled between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
The physicians at Manchester Urology are surgeons and are responsible for an on-call schedule; so at times a physician may be called to the operating room unexpectedly. There are times when MUA will need to reschedule or delay your appointment. If you have a tight schedule, please call the office a 1/2 hour before your appointment to verify that the physician is on schedule.
Manchester Urology Associates is committed to the Manchester community and the surrounding area. The physicians provide service at Elliot Hospital, Catholic Medical Center and the VA Medical Center in Manchester. Surgeries and diagnostic work will be completed at the facility of your choice. Please let us know which facility is your preference.
Vasectomy services are offered by the following physicians: Drs. Chin, Evans, Bertagnoll, Munoz, Selleck, Girasole, and McAleer.
Due to the demand for appointments, Manchester Urology Associates calls to confirm your appointment 2 days before your scheduled appointment. If for some reason you cannot make your appointment, please let us know 24 hours before your appointment. This will allow MUA to offer the time slot to another patient.
All new patients should arrive 20 minutes early in order to complete the registration process, which includes verifying your demographic information, checking to verify that your referral from your primary care provider has been received, and a brief medical history form.
For your convenience, you may print and complete the following patient forms before your office visit.
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Patient Rights
- Manchester Urology Associates Nondiscrimination Statement (PDF)
- Manchester Urology Associates 504 Grievance Procedure (PDF)
- Manchester Urology Associates Your Rights Our Responsibilities For Your Privacy (PDF)
- Manchester Urology Associates HIPAA – Your Medical Information (PDF)
- New Patient History and Physical Form (PDF)
New Patient History and Physical Form (Word Document) - Established Patient History and Physical Form (PDF)
Established Patient History and Physical Form (Word Document)
All Locations
- Abdominal Sacrocolpopexy Postoperative
- Constipation
- Cystoscopy Postoperative
- Cystoscopy and Bladder Biopsy Postoperative
- Cystoscopy and Stent Placement Postoperative
- Cystoscopy and Transurethral Bladder Tumor Resection
- Good Bladder Hygiene
- Interstitial Cystitis
- Laser Surgery of the Prostate
- Medtronic Interstim Therapy Postoperative
- Overactive Bladder
- Pelvic Muscle Exercises
- Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation and Stimulation
- Pelvic Organ Prolapse
- Post Prostate Biopsy
- Prostate Biopsy Prep
- Returning Home After Prostatectomy
- Shock Wave Lithotripsy
- Stress Incontinence Procedures Postoperative
- TURP Postoperative
- Ureteroscopy Postoperative
- Urinary History
- Urodynamics
- Recent lab work performed related to your issue (e.g. PSA, Culture and Sensitivity)
- Diagnostic work completed by your physician or the hospital. (e.g Ultrasound, X-Rays, MRI’s)
- Medical Record information from other physicians that addresses your health-related issue.
- A list of prescription medications and any over-the-counter medications the patient is presently taking.
- Copy of your insurance cards and/or referral forms.
Co-pays will be collected at time of your appointment as some insurance carriers mandate collection as part of our contract. The office accepts cash, checks, MasterCard, VISA, American Express, and Discover. Manchester Urology Associates participates with most insurance carriers. Manchester Urology will notify you in advance if MUA does not have a contract with your insurance. Individuals that are self-pay are requested to make payment in full at time of service or to establish an acceptable payment plan.
Clinical results must be reviewed by your physician before they are released to the patient. If your physician is not in the office on the day of your call, it may take up to 48 hours to receive a call back.
Patients requiring a refill will be ased to leave a message on the nursing voice mail. Please leave the following information:
- Your name and date of birth
- Your telephone number(s): home, work cell
- The prescription name
- The pharmacy that you would like it called into; please include the address and city/town and telephone number
Patients who have not been seen in the office for over 1 year will need to make a follow up appointment. Also be aware certain medications require an insurance pre-authorization prior to being filled and can take up to 72 hours before granting approval. Make sure you leave yourself with a 4 – 5 day period of time to obtain the necessary approvals. Please do not call at night or on weekends for refills of medications.
If you are experiencing pain or discomfort during the day, please identify yourself to the operator and ask to speak to a nurse for triage arrangements.
If an emergency occurs after business hours or on the weekend, please call the office and the answering service will notify the physician on call.
Notice of Privacy Practices for Manchester Urology Associates
This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.
Printable Version (PDF)